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Title [sv]
Ekonomisk och social transformation i utvecklingsländer
Title [en]
Economic and social transformation in developing countries
Abstract [sv]
Abstract [en]
Professor Olli Kangas has an outstanding publication-, teaching- and research administration-record. He has published widely in refereed journals, in international books and in many other contexts including a number of monographs and edited volumes. He has covered a broad range of issues ranging from social and political history to comparative institutional analysis to the analysis of micro data. Beyond the regular teaching he has a remarkable track record in the number of phd students that he has guided to a successful completion of their degrees. For long periods of time he has been employed abroad where he has been successful as a research director. In Finland his most recent experience is as director of a large research department. He has established a magnificent network of international research collaborations well beyond the Nordic sphere. The Department of Government applies for a Olof Palme Guest Professorship for Kangas for 2015 in order to strengthen the research on social protection in development contexts. Joakim Palme has a number of joint publications with Kangas. A longer research visit of Kangas would provide a momentum to broaden their analysis of social policy in new international contexts. The ultimate aim would be to create powerful analytical tools for analyzing the policy effects on issues ranging from poverty and inequality to health to attitudes and behaviors. The application is supported by different institutions and scholars.
Principal InvestigatorPalme, Joakim
Coordinating organisation
Uppsala University
2015-01-01 - 2015-12-31
National Category
Economic HistorySociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)Globalization Studies
DiVA, id: project:12332Project, id: 2014-6489_VR