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Deadly elections: post-election violence in Nigeria
The Nordic Africa Institute, Research Unit. Stockholm University.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7751-6289
The Nordic Africa Institute.
2018 (English)In: Journal of Modern African Studies, ISSN 0022-278X, E-ISSN 1469-7777, Vol. 56, no 1, p. 143-167Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Two decades after the ‘third wave of democratization’, extensive violence continues to follow elections in sub-Saharan Africa. Whereas national processes connected to pre-election violence have received increased scholarly attention, little is known of local dynamics of violence after elections. This article examines the 2011 Nigerian post-election violence with regard to the ways in which national electoral processes interweave with local social and political disputes. The most affected state, Kaduna State, has a history of violent local relations connected to which group should control politics and the state. It is argued that electoral polarisation aggravated national ethno-religious divisions that corresponded to the dividing line of the conflict in Kaduna. A rapid escalation of violence was facilitated by local social networks nurtured by ethno-religious grievances.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , 2018. Vol. 56, no 1, p. 143-167
National Category
Political Science
URN: urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-2192DOI: 10.1017/S0022278X17000490OAI:, id: diva2:14029
Swedish Research Council, 421-2011-1438Available from: 2019-11-01 Created: 2019-11-01 Last updated: 2021-12-07

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ericsson, urban

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Angerbrandt, Henrikericsson, urban
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Journal of Modern African Studies
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