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  • 1.
    Manning, Carrie
    et al.
    Georgia State University in Atlanta, Department of Political Science.
    Themnér, Anders
    The Nordic Africa Institute, Research Unit. Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning.
    Discourses of peace and fear: the electoral navigations of Sekouh Conneh and Prince Johnson in post-war Liberia2017In: Warlord Democrats in Africa: Ex-Military Leaders and Electoral Politics / [ed] Anders Themnér, London ; Uppsala: Zed Books ; Nordiska Afrikainstutet , 2017, p. 95-120Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 2.
    Themnér, Anders
    The Nordic Africa Institute, Research Unit.
    Commanding abuse or abusing command?: Ex-command structures and drugs in Liberia2018In: Third World Thematics : A TWQ Journal, ISSN 2380-2014, Vol. 3, no 1, p. 46-62Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 3.
    Themnér, Anders
    The Nordic Africa Institute, Research Unit. Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning.
    Conclusion : Ambiguous Peacelords: the Diminishing Returns of Democracy2017In: Warlord Democrats in Africa: Ex-Military Leaders and Electoral Politics / [ed] Anders Themnér, London ; Uppsala: Zed Books ; Nordiska Afrikainstutet , 2017, p. 222-245Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 4.
    Themnér, Anders
    The Nordic Africa Institute, Research Unit. Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning.
    Demobilisering och säkerhetsreform2017In: Om krig och fred: en introduktion till freds- och konfliktstudier / [ed] Karin Aggestam och Kristine Höglund, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2017, 2 uppl.Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 5.
    Themnér, Anders
    The Nordic Africa Institute, Research Unit. Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning.
    Introduction: warlord democrats : wartime investments, democratic returns?2017In: Warlord democrats in Africa: ex-military leaders and electoral politics / [ed] Anders Themnér, London ; Uppsala: Zed Books ; Nordiska Afrikainstutet , 2017, p. 1-40Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 6.
    Themnér, Anders
    The Nordic Africa Institute, Research Unit. Uppsala universitet, Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga vetenskapsområdet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning.
    Warlord democrats in Africa: ex-military leaders and electoral politics2017Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Post-war democratization has been identified as a crucial mechanism to build peace in war-ridden societies, supposedly allowing belligerents to compete through ballots rather than bullets. A byproduct of this process, however, is that military leaders often become an integral part of the new democratic system, using resources and networks generated from the previous war to dominate the emerging political landscape.

    The crucial and thus-far overlooked question to be addressed, therefore, is what effect the inclusion of ex-militaries into electoral politics has on post-war security. Can 'warlord democrats' make a positive contribution by shepherding their wartime constituencies to support the building of peace and democracy, or are they likely to use their electoral platforms to sponsor political violence and keep war-affected communities mobilized through aggressive discourses?

    This important volume, containing a wealth of fresh empirical detail and theoretical insight, and focussing on some of Africa's most high-profile political figures – from Paul Kagame to Riek Machar to Afonso Dhlakama – represents a crucial intervention in the literature of post-war democratization.

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