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Title [sv]
A Global Crisis in Health - perspectives from Indonesia, The Philippines and Sweden
Title [en]
En Global Hälsokris - perspektiv från Indonesien, Fillipinerna och Sverige
Abstract [en]
The proposed research projects aims to identify effective, fair and sustainable solutions to the multifacted problem of medical brain drain (MBD). Since MBD is a result of several interconnected social, political and economic factors in a globalised world, the problem should be analysed from different disciplines and at a cross-national level. Arguably, a nuanced understanding of the phenomenon will not be achieved by relying on one theoretical perspective only, the tools of one discipline or by focusing on a single level of analysis. Rather, a broad grip, an interdisciplinary approach and multi-level analysis is needed. Causal processes relevant to migration operate on multiple levels simultaneously. Thus, this project  utilises competence from the disciplines: applied ethics, development studies and educational research to compare health labor mobility in three countries: the Philippines, Sweden and Indonesia. Methodwise, both descriptive and analytical studies are employed. And, the constellation of countries represented in the project enables fruitful comparisons of MBD in developed and developing countries. More specifically, researchers in the project (1) take stock on drivers behind and effects of care worker emigration, (2) map and assess different strategies regarding human resource management and labor mobility in the health care sector and (3) evaluate the prospects of global resource sharing and health governance.      
Co-InvestigatorCollste, Göran
Principal InvestigatorPalm, Elin
Co-InvestigatorEricsson, Urban
Coordinating organisation
Linköping University
2017-01-01 - 2019-12-31
National Category
DiVA, id: project:15727Project, id: 2016-05919_VR

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