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Biography [eng]

A biography is an account of a person's life. If the production is made by the author himself, it is called autobiography or memoirs. The word biography comes from the Greek biography, of bios, "life", and graphō, "write". An author of biographies is called cinema. :)

Biography [swe]

En biografi är en redogörelse för en persons liv. Om framställningen är gjord av författaren själv kallas den självbiografi eller memoarer. Ordet biografi kommer av grekiskans biographia, av bios, "liv", och graphō, "skriva". En författare av biografier kallas biograf.

Dalarnas projekt [111-2222]; Dalarna UniversityYoung people´s communication with parents, friends, and teachers about global environmental problems: Emotions, coping, and self-efficacy [2010-1152_Formas]; Uppsala UniversityComputational-chemistry studies of functionalized nanocrystals, heterogeneous catalysis, and hydrogen bonding [2011-04348_VR]; Linköping UniversityGlobal economic crisis, institutional change and inequality in comparative perspective: Changing Western welfare states and labour markets since the global financial crisis of 2008 [2012-5503_VR]; Uppsala UniversityAccelererade rekursiva expansioner med tillämpningar inom elektrontäthetsteori [2012-3861_VR]; Uppsala University, Science for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLabDecemberprojekt; Uppsala University, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS)sodertorniniframtiden [789444-1]; Uppsala UniversityThe Transnational Colony: The Congo Free State and European Culture [F14-1254:1_RJ]; Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Centre for Gender ResearchReconstructing early modern pharmacy: Global trade networks, substances and practices [P14-0715:1_RJ]; Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and IdeasGlobal virtual team leaders: unexplored opportunities for multicultural management [SAB15-1019:1_RJ]; Uppsala UniversityEn Global Hälsokris - perspektiv från Indonesien, Fillipinerna och Sverige [2016-05919_VR]; Linköping UniversityTest; Heart and pain [D31512]; Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media